Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A weeble wobble on a bunny farm

“He's not chopping it down. He's saving it. Those branches were long dead from disease. All plants are like that. By cutting off the damage you make it possible for the tree to grow again. You watch - by the end of summer, this tree will be the strongest on the block."
— Laurie Halse Anderson (Speak)
“Sagittarius person’s are adherents of the rule, “Honesty is the Best Policy” and usually follow it to the letter. They are also carefree, and advise others to be the same way. Their jolt comes when they find themselves misunderstood. An individual of the Sagittarius type may set himself up as a standard quite unconsciously. He never realizes that he is aiming for marks that others cannot hope to hit. Simply, Sagittarius boils down to one word: Purpose. They truly believe that “What’s worth doing at all, is worth doing well.” Don’t get the wrong notion that Sagittarius persons have a one track mind, far from it! But it is not in their nature to switch, especially when they are aiming at a given target.
Being honest, persons born under this sign are also truthful—perhaps too truthful. They speak frankly, even bluntly, but their words may carry sharp barb. They dislike deception on the part of others and often make them the targets of their wrath.
Extravagance is almost absent in this sign, though some people may spend fortunes on worth-while things. This is because they have a strong sense of values, which they apply to people as well as things, making enemies as well as friends. Those born under Sagittarius should curb their wit and general expressions of opinion.
In the starry heavens, the fanciful figure of the bowman, is aiming his shaft at the eagle. This symbolizes the bowman seeking to hit the highest mark attainable. You will note that these persons happiness often hinges on their aim.
Sagittarians born in the Early Period you find vivacity that cannot be matched by any other sign in combination. These people gather knowledge, then use it to a purpose. Gifted with insight, often robust and unrestrained in nature, they add the Martian drive to their other assets, often with great results. They can take on huge burdens and often win out, but show restraint, keeping their drive subservient to their fundamental trait of coolness and aim. Otherwise, they may overshoot the mark.
Individual’s born under the planet Jupiter were endowed with wisdom and personal magnetism. The term Jupetarian denotes “light bringer”. Their urge is independence; their aim, when properly directed, is so set for a personal goal that they bigheartedly extend best wishes for success to the world as well. The Jupetarian influence has such depth with persons born between February 19th and March 21st. Once revealed, it becomes a pattern that all could well follow.”

"I wondered if the fire had been out to get me. I wondered if all fire was related, like Dad said all humans were related, if the fire that had burned me that day while I cooked hot dogs was somehow connected o the fire I had flushed down the toilet and the fire burning at the hotel. I didn't have the answers to those questions, but what I did know was that I lived in a world that at any moment could erupt into fire. It was the sort of knowledge that kept you on your toes."
— Jeannette Walls (The Glass Castle)

“I'd build myself up
And fly around in circles
Wait then as my heart drops
And my back begins to tingle
Finally could this be it”
My Dad use to call me Weeble Wobble.
When we were little he would lay in bed with us til we fell asleep, except he usually fell asleep first. Prior to my teenage years my dad had yet to be diagnosed with sleep apnea, so he use to stop breathing ever so often and it would scare me and I would attempt to wake him up. You could often hear his snoring throughout the entire house. Now, he sleeps with a Darth Vader mask.
He bought us our first pet bunny outside a grocery store one Saturday morning. This one bunny blossomed into a bunny farm.
My dad attempted to keep my sister and I “Little House on the Prairie” style for the longest time. He did not want us to ever start painting our toe nails, cutting our hair, wearing makeup, or shaving our legs. Luckily my Mom intervened.
My Dad is sensitive and caring, he tries to hide this behind a tough exterior, but it doesn’t fool us. Any man can be a father.  It takes someone special to be a dad.
Fishing trips and rabbit shows. Geocaching and guinea pigs, I mean “Cavy’s”.
He is proud and doting of each and every one of us.
From my Dad I have inherited my “Chimple”, that is the dimple on my chin. Which I have always loved, except for one  time at church when a boy told me I had a butt chin. I cried. But I embrace the Chimple. Nothing is sexier than a little crack.
I inherited my Dad’s untidiness, and the belief that eventually I may use, fix, read, and make anything useful. I did not inherit his ability to strike up conversations with anyone, or his strong sense of security of the person that he is.
I admire my Dad’s eccentricities, more and more so as I get older.
I’m not willing to start any arguments, or have to drop any ‘bows about this…but I have the best parents. I am very lucky.
I can in no way blame any of my idiosyncrasies or mental health issues on my childhood.

“If I tell the world
I'll never say enough
Because it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do”

“Gnomes believe in natural energy and not wasting the earth’s resources. A tall tree waving to and fro in the breeze, is the source of power. All animals feel safe with the Gnome. The gnome is far more clever than the troll. Gnomes like to swing, they are also fond of flying kites and dressing up. Skipping rope is another gnome game.”
-The Pop Book of Gnomes

Rashaad: “You know we are the only ones who understand the Ninja reference.”
Kristen: “That’s probably good, especially when it comes out of my mouth.”
Rashaad: “Well I told Mary what it means, and now she uses it sometimes.”
Kristen: “It spreads, like herpes.”
Rashaad: “We need to keep it underground though.”
Kristen: “I would say that Herpes is kept pretty well hidden too.”

Fathers, feathers, fun, food, focus, farms, friends, fondu, frolicking, feeling, frost, fans, Frodo, Flava Flave, family, Felicity, figures, fonts, fate, flukes, foolishness.
“Needing was so easy: it came naturally, like breathing. Being needed by someone else, though, that was the hard part. But as with giving help and accepting it, we had to do both to be made complete- like links overlapping to form a chain, or a lock finding the right key.”
-Sarah Dessen

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How many wishes can I make?

"Usually we walk around constantly believing ourselves. "I'm okay" we say. "I'm alright". But sometimes the truth arrives on you and you can't get it off. That's when you realize that sometimes it isn't even an answer--it's a question. Even now, I wonder how much of my life is convinced."
— Markus Zusak (The Book Thief)
= Great Website.

How many wishes can I make?

It bothers me when drivers don’t use their turn signal – Those crazy car manufacturers have made it so convenient to reach your little finger up there and let the people around you know your next maneuver. Shocking.

I really wish that underwear stores would stop calling them “panties”. I really dislike that word.

I wish that I could record what I am thinking so I can think it again when I sit down to write. Everyday I will get these flashes of intense things, intense feelings, intense questions, mindless thoughts, but I am always in an inopportune position to get them out on paper. I lose so much oh my intellect in those moments. Those moments when I know exactly what I mean and exactly how to say it, are gone. I forget. It is a tragedy.

"Now is a rushing river. There are those who would hug the shore, but there is no shore. Push off into the stream. Hold your head above the frey. See who else is in the midst of things, and celebrate."
 -Native American saying

It will be ok. Everything will be awesome.

When people tell me their birthday month, I always count back nine months and try to figure out in which month they were conceived.

In five months I will be 27. It’s crazy how fast time flies.

It bothers me when people say “sure” or “kind of” or “yeah, ok” or “I guess”. They all sound so unsure of themselves. When someone makes a statement, I want assurance and honesty. Id rather someone say “yes, unless something better comes up” because then at least there is a definitive answer, and a logical explanation. I also know that I am very much guilty of violating my own pet peeve.

I have felt a lot happier since I cried. I very much needed that.


I just don’t have the energy to finish this tonight.

"His soul sat up. It met me. Those kinds of souls always do - the best ones. The ones who rise up and say "I know who you are and I am ready. Not that I want to go, of course, but I will come." Those souls are always light because more of them have been put out. More of them have already found their way to other places."
— Markus Zusak (The Book Thief)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday morning muddle

“Nothing connects to the moment like music. I count on the music to bring me back—or, more precisely, to bring her forward.” –Rob Sheffield
My morning playlist: “Wait it Out” Imogen Heap, “Sleepyhead” Passion Pit, “The Trapeze Swinger” Iron and Wine, “You Be the Anchor That Keeps My Feet on the Ground” Mayday Parade, “Answering Bell” Ryan Adams, “Changed by You” Between the Trees, “Colorblind” Counting Crows, “Red Wine Lips” Lisa Mitchell, “Fast Car” Tracy Chapman, “Everybody Knows” Ryan Adams, “The Cave” Mumford & Sons, “Love, Love, Love” As Tall As Lions, “This Year’s Love” David Gray, “Jesus Christ” Brand New, “On My Lips” Kimbra.
“Sometimes you lie in a strange room, in a strange person’s home, and you feel yourself bending out of shape. Melting, touching something hot, something that warps you in a drastic and probably irreversible ways you won’t get to take stock of until it’s too late.” –Rob Sheffield
 “How do you pretend not to know about it after you see it? How do you go on acting like you don’t need it? How do you even the score and walk off a free man? You can’t…I was awed and ruined by this knowledge.” – Rob Sheffield
Like the ‘Allegory of the Cave’. Which I think about often, way too often.
“Ann Wilson? Love her! Nancy Wilson? Like her lots! The album cover where they’re wearing capes and feeding goats on the pastures of their own mystical Salisbury Plain? I’m so there!” –Rob Sheffield
Yesterday at the museum there were two ladies at lunch with the exact same hair do. I wanted to ask them if they fixed each other’s hair that morning. Both looked they had stuck their finger’s in light sockets. It was like watching a car crash, it was terrible, but I couldn’t look away. I was fascinated. Truly fascinated. How judgmental of me.
How does the ‘g’ in judgmental still make a “juh” sound when there is no ‘e’ following it?
“The words “douche” and “bag” never coupled as passionately as they did in the person of my thirteen year old self. My body, my brain..but most of all my soul,-- these formed the waterbed where douchitude and bagness made love sweet love with all the feral intensity of Burt Reynolds and Rachel Ward in ‘Sharky’s Machine’.” –Rob Sheffield
I was wondering why it was so dim in here, and then I took off my sunglasses.
This is fumazing:
There was another that made me smile in all its innocence and purity. Two young boys, I would say about 4th grade, were at the museum with their family. There was one painting in the exhibit that depicted a pregnant naked Mona Lisa. The boys hid behind the corner and kept looking, pointing, laughing, and turning red. A naked woman’s body was still a new a fascinating thing to them. Like a secret yet to be revealed. It was beautiful as awkward as it was. I love admiring the moments of youth before kids are numb to the world. Before they’ve watched porn, and viewed all the naked female possibilities of the world. The first glimpses of new and forbidden things.
“You lose a certain kind of innocence when you experience this type of kindness. You lose your right to be a jaded cynic. You can no longer go back through the looking glass and pretend not to know about kindness…I had no idea how to live up to that kindness…Human benevolence is totally unfair. We don’t live in a kind or generous world, yet we are kind and generous. We know the universe is out to burn us, but we don’t burn each other, not always. We are kind people in an unkind world.”
I only have this one life.
Whom Alert-
An alert that is called when one is trying to sound smarter than they really are. In more severe cases, a whence alert may be necessary.
To be in a bathroom in one’s dream depicts one’s need for privacy; your need for time where you are not always considering what others want or need from you.
Some things are just too pretty to use, I would most definitely try to eat these:

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."
— John Steinbeck
Enough for now. More later.