Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sometimes the answer to all life's questions is to throw down on the dance floor.

"The voice of the nickly reflection of the moon was not as deep as you might expect. It was a singer’s voice, though, a tenor, one that loved itself without reservation.

I feel time like you dream. Your dreams are jumbled. You can’t remember the order of your dreams, and when you recall them, the memories bend. Faces change. It’s all in puddles and ripples. That’s what time is for me."  

-Dave Eggers

Last night I dreamed that I joined the airforce. I had to go to bootcamp, at boot camp I had to ride in very small airplane in which I couldnt move my legs and I felt very claustrophobic. I also at some point decided to paint my body red, head to toe. I walked into a chapel and the preacher conducting the service was Lance Reddick (Colonel Cedric Daniels) from 'The Wire'. And then all of a sudden I was in a cafe hiding cocaine in the back of my i-Pod.

To see a church or chapel in your dream represents your beleifs or moral code; a sense of relationship between the forces within you, and the world outside of you; the cycles of life and growth.

To see an airplane in your dreams represents quick or dramatic life changes; taking a risk; vulnerable ideals, hopes, and plans; anxiety or fear; power to change or transform one's situation, or to change or influence others; getting away from the present situation or style of life.To climb aboard a plane is to embark upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or situation, to another. It is a leap into the unknown, into chance-- so it is a powerful symbol of change. Perhaps that flight into chance, into life and its mysterious possibilities might be okay. Or it might fall from the sky. Meanwhile, on the plane you will not have your feet on the ground, you will not be secure. The plans, the love, the hope and efforts might work out or crash leading to tradegy with all its rippling effects.

To see the color red in your dream, even if it appears quite casually represents one's basic emotions, earthy nature, and sexuality. In these senses it depicts one's strength or vitality.

(Note: Cedric Daniels from 'The Wire' could not be found in the Dream Dictionary.)

"We feel that to reveal embarrassing or private things, we have given someone something, that, like a primitive person fearing that a photographer will steal his soul, we identify our secrets, our past and their blotches, with our identity, that revealing our habits or losses or deeds somehow makes one less of oneself. "               
-Dave Eggers (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius)

Last night definetly ranks in my top 5 most embarrassing moments as an adult.

The cafe is quiet tonight.

This too shall pass.

Things are looking up at work. I officially got my schedule today, and am more than excited to say that I am teaching two writing classes (fist pump) and two literacy classes. No math! It's gonna be a good year.

I can't wait until it cools off so I can continue on my treasure quest. I plan to blog all about it during the winter.

Sometimes the answer to all life's questions is to throw down on the dance floor.

Accidently slept in this morning. My alarm either didn't go off, or I didn't hear it. Either way it was a fast morning.

Helluo librorum
“It’ll be hundreds of us, all running together on the beach, a herd of bare and hopeful flesh, sprinting from left to right, of course symbolizing all the things that that would obviously symbolize.”
-Dave Eggers

Two things in life are infinite: the universe and options.

"Years later, he would realize her SleepPlaylist was the most perfect SleepPlaylist ever created.
It was the one which his 100's of seemingly perfect SleepPlaylists always hoped to be.
Somehow she had it right this whole time.."

Cura ut valeas


  1. Two things that are infinite: the universe and options. Each day that I open my eyes the sun advises me to use discrimination when making choices. I now know that choices are made in the divine space between the thought and action. All we need to do is live in a the space long enough to know that its the choice in that particular moment and the results are the lessons that we take with us in each concurrent moments.

  2. So, why was last night one of the top 5 most embarrassing moments. Sounds like a story that should be told :)
