"Reading is everything. Reading makes me feel like I've accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. Reading makes me smarter. Reading gives me something to talk about later on. Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficity disorder medicates itself. Reading is escape, and the opposite of escape; it's a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it's a way of making contact with someone else's imagination after a day that's all too real. Reading is grist. Reading is bliss. "
--Nora Ephron
--Nora Ephron
It was just one of those days. You know the ones...like hitting all the red lights when you're in a rush.
I have a constant fear of this happening:
This dreamer died when his dreamed died too
I'm not in a bad mood, just not a great mood. The world isn't ending (at least I haven't heard any news of an impending zombie apocalypse)…. It just is one of those days. Everyday can't be a "whoopie" sort of day, now can it? If it was, how would you know the difference between a humdrum sort of day and an amazing one? Case closed.
I swear I’m gonna cry, I’m sick of trying to be tough
"Stressed" spelled backward is "desserts."
In attempt to brighten up this not so snazzy day, I give you my top ten list of what I love about thunderstorms, rain, monsoons, etc.
- Lightning. Single strikes, sheet lightening, bolts that seem to wrap around the sky – I love them all.
- The sound of rain falling is one of the best sounds in the world. Pitter, patter.
- The scent of rain is one of the best smells in the world. I want a bottle of it.
- The dogs get freaked out and want to cuddle.
- Thunder. The bigger the boom, the better.
- Mother Nature is wicked awesome and a violent bitch.
- There’s almost no one else outside so I can enjoy the rain in peace.
- Watching the dark clouds roll in and waiting with anticipation for those first raindrops to fall.
- I get to curl up in a big warm blanket, with a good book, open the window, and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa (marshmallows included).
- I get a giggle watching the news coverage.
I need to order one of these so I can emulate the rain-- since I don't get enough. It's called a "rain shower".
Apparently we need to start teaching ‘public bathroom etiquette’. What happened to manners and consideration of others? Oh…wait…that’s right. We don’t have any anymore. I won’t go into details, but manners have gone the way of the Dodo and the Dinosaurs. I blame the parents. Sorry parental units out there but this is partially your fault, at least for the younger bathroom users. My parents taught my siblings and I manners from the time we were old enough to walk and talk. Please, thank you, consideration of others, holding doors open, giving up your seat on the bus to the elderly and infirm, treat others as you would have them treat you… You know what I’m talking about. Sure, I’m not quite up to speed on my “Dinner with the Queen” etiquette but I’m sure I could wing it. Are parents not doing their jobs? This doesn’t, of course, explain the middle-aged bathroom users (or even my generation).
To help combat this plague of mannerlessness (is that a word?), I’ve compiled a short list of things people should or should not do. Note that this is by no means a complete list of acceptable/unacceptable behaviors. Feel free to add to it as you see fit.
- If someone holds the door open for you, allows you to cut in line in front of them or gives you a free sample of something, SAY THANK YOU. It helps if you actually mean it.
- When you want something, or want someone to do something for you, SAY PLEASE. It’s amazing what that one magic word will get you.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated. Before you do something, imagine what it would be like if you were the one on the receiving end.
- Spit on the sidewalk, roadway, or the aisle of the bus. Exception: if you have just sucked the poison out of a person’s leg/arm after they’ve been bitten by a venomous spider/snake, spit all you want.
- Floss your teeth in public. No one wants to see that.
- Use your cell phone in public bathrooms. It’s not so much that I feel bad for the person on the other end of the line; I don’t want (1) them to hear what I’M doing in there, and (2) I don’t want to listen to your conversation while trying to have a wee.
- Clip your nails in public. See the note on flossing. This is disgusting.
- Spend excessive amounts of time texting/ surfing the web while on a date/in a meeting/talking to someone. You’re sending a message to the person you’re with that (a) they’re not important, (b) you have no interest in what they’re saying, and (c) you’re an idiot and an asshole.
Other things that make me happy:
- Mash potatoes and gravy
- Listening to really great music in a really hot bubble bath
- Unexpected postcards in the mail
- The smell of pastries baking
- Christmas music
Tomorrow will be a better day. It has to be.
If tomorrow exists it only can better if you learn from today.