Friday, July 22, 2011

Somethings are safer in the security of silence.

She's not like that now. She knows better. She knows now that people lie and promises can be broken as quick as they are made. She understands that she might never be loved and too quickly, good things fly in front of your eyes before you can reach out and grab them. She knows that you can't change or help time, so every now and then, it'll just run out. There isn't a place for everyone in the world, so if you're standing alone for a while, that's why. Not everything in life comes easy, but when you work the hardest, that's when it's your best. You can't always expect people to care.  You can't change your own fate. Some things are meant to be and all the pain you go through will end up resulting in something huge. You don't know what it is and when it happens, It'll hit you like a ton of bricks. At some point, when you have experienced everything you can, the words "life" and "risk" won't mean anything to you anymore. But don't try and change that. Stuff  like that is meant to happen. Over time, certain things no longer have an affect on you, and that happens cause that's the way its suppose to be. But you'll learn all that later in life when little things like a sunrise or a spring rain start to matter.
Someone needs to be my personal trainer. I need to be held accountable.
Talk – Action = Shit
Recently I realized that I waste a great deal of my time on the internet ... and then published this insight in this note, when I should have been doing homework.
If you can't solve it, it's not a problem, it's reality.
Let's be nothing, I heard it lasts forever.
Do you stare for hours every day into little screens like those on smart phones, computer monitors, and TVs? If so, I recommend that you tear your gaze away from them more than usual in the coming week. A change in your brain chemistry needs to happen, and one good way to accomplish it will be to feast your eyes on vast panoramas and expansive natural scenes. Doing so will invigorate your thinking about the design and contours of your own destiny, and that would be in sweet alignment with the astrological omens. So catch regular views of the big picture, Sagittarius. Treat clouds and birds and stars as if they were restorative messages from the wide-open future. Gaze lovingly at the big sky.
Riding off into the sunset would be nice, but reading i-spy books with you seems so much better.
Imagine, it's 30 years from now. You're looking back at the history of your relationship with desire. There was a certain watershed moment when you clearly saw that some of your desires were mediocre, inferior, and wasteful, while others were pure, righteous, and invigorating. Beginning then, you made it a life goal to purge the former and cultivate the latter. Thereafter, you occasionally wandered down dead ends trying to gratify yearnings that weren't worthy of you, but usually you wielded your passions with discrimination, dedicating them to serve the highest and most interesting good.

What are your strengths?
I am really good at repressing.
Not just because the words remain unwilling but because some things remain safer in the security of silence.

I feel moments away from coming apart in a very real and permanent way.

Anatidaephobia is actually the fear that you are being watched by a duck.
 I haven’t been remembering my dreams lately.
Saying something and then repeating it won't necessarily make what you said any more profound.
I just wrote like three other paragraphs and then deemed them all unworthy of publication. You gotta love being in charge of what you put out to the world and what you keep inside.
What is the next step?
They say that the truth is like a match, it brings the light... or it can set your whole world on fire.
Some of the best things in the world, in my opinion… which matters.
1. Falling asleep to the sound of rain
2. Going back to sleep when you’ve called out
3. Nights you barely remember
4. The feeling of being fresh out of the shower
5. The smell of coffee
6. Walking around barefoot
7. Finding money you forgot you had when doing laundry
8. New plans
9. Eating the last bite of peanut butter
10. Completing a video game level you have been trying forever to beat
One day, I sat across from an old couple on the bus. When we arrived, the driver announced over the loudspeaker to make sure we had all our valuables with us when we stepped off. The old man took his wife's arm and said, "I got it all!" Men who are still sweet to their wives after so long gives me hope.
The questions are endless, and with each one I feel a little bit crazier, and experience a mild sense of relief.
I hate when someone starts telling you something, and then says "nevermind". And when people say "sup?". It's like "bro", and I have a feeling people who use one of those words also use the other.
Pseudo intellectuals also piss me off.
Also annoying: “If you don’t reblog this, you don’t have a heart” posts.
Oh, and burning the roof of my mouth...I hate that.
Things I love: The feeling in summer where you don't know what day of the week it is, but it doesn't matter.
“You can sit up here, feeling above it all while knowing you’re not, coming to the lonely conclusion that the only thing you can ever really know about anyone is that you don’t know anything about them at all.” –Jonathan Tropper
Usually I can fix my mind on something I consider sort of worthwhile; for example: castles of the world, social psychology, gnome classification, reading lists, the chaos theory, and I know a great deal about rabbits.
"Recognize the small things, they usually mean the most."
Pool time!

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