Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Let your better be your best

Sagittarius horoscope (courtesy of Rob Brezny):

"Everyone is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day," said writer Elbert Hubbard. "Wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit." Judging from my personal experience, I'd say that five minutes is a lowball figure. My own daily rate is rarely less than half an hour. But the good news as far as you're concerned, Sagittarius, is that in the coming weeks you might have many days when you're not a damn fool for even five seconds. In fact, you may break your all-time records for levels of wild, pure wisdom. Make constructive use of your enhanced intelligence! 

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite fairy tale writers Hans Christian Andersen!

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale."
-Hans Christian Andersen

“The true secret to happiness lies in the taking in a genuine interest in all the details of life.
-William Morris

I have been neglecting my poor blog for too long. Looking back through previous posts, even as far back as when I first started this particular incarnation of my blog, I get nostalgic for the times when I used to write far more often…

In related news, when I look back at previous photos of myself, I get nostalgic for the times when I used to work out for more often. I’ve been trying since I graduated college to hold myself physically accountable. I was lucky in my younger years (high school, college) that I had coaches pushing me along, motivating me, and making me condition.  I am not personally motivated to kick my own ass.

I have never strived to be the best at anything. In school I always did well but was never in the top of my class. In cheerleading I was really good, but never the most outstanding member of any squad.

“On the whole, tho’ I never arrived at the Perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet as I was by the Endeavor a better and a happier Man than I otherwise should have been, if I had not attempted it.” –Benjamin Franklin

The prior also applies to my professional life. I meet people all the time that have grand plans of where they see themselves in ten years; a vision of being the dean of a college, the CEO of a large corporation, or making enough money to own a jet and fly all over the world... that is not me. People often ask what I want to do when I finish my Masters Degree, and the answer is the same, I want to be doing what I am doing right now… I want to be a better classroom teacher.

Sure, this may change. Life changes, dreams change. But if I consulted the girl who was asked what her dream was when she was ten… she would say she’s livin’ the dream right now.

“Each period of life has its own atmosphere, its own flavor, yet in the past, I failed to appreciate each stage as it was unfolding.” –Gretchen Rubin

I remember back to my goat farm days. My siblings and I use to show our animals in the state fair. (Just to give some background you show a goat in much of the same way you show a dog). At the time I had a goat named “Bambi”. I loved Bambi. But she was a train wreck. Everything about Bambi was wrong…EVERYTHING. Bambi had poor showmanship qualities; she was fat, refused to walk next to me, had deformed ears, and a miss-attached udder. Most people would have hid her in a barn or chopped her up as chevon. But I insisted… insisted on walking my distorted goat around the state fair arena for everyone to see… because I never cared about winning. SHE was the goat I was going to show, no debates. I loved Bambi, I wanted to get some kind of ribbon (albeit participation), with her, and that was all that mattered.

I have never been the smartest, fastest, savviest, wittiest, or strongest person in any room. I suppose, the vast majority of us are never any of these things, but sometimes I sense that I might be more content with this than most. I am happy with myself and always try to do my best, but I have just never tried to be better than someone else’s best… This, of course, is both a blessing and a curse.

But, I feel like I am pretty awesome regardless…

Now if someone could just purchase me a pillow like this:

“You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I'll be waiting." Tinkerbell says that to Peter Pan in J.M. Barrie's famous story. Sometime soon, I think you should whisper words like those to a person or animal you love. It's time for you to be as romantic and lyrical as possible. You need to bestow and attract the nourishment that comes from expressing extravagant tenderness. For even better results, add this sweetness from French poet Paul ValĂ©ry: "I am what is changing secretly in you." And try this beauty from Walt Whitman: "We were together. I forget the rest."

And I am left with a cheer from my good ole cheer days...
"Good better best, better  than the rest, let your good be your better and your better be your best"

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