Seminal psychologist Carl Jung wasn't afraid of applying his scholarly analytical skills to the phenomena of pop culture. Late in life, he even wrote a thoughtful book on UFOs called *Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies.* To be as thorough and careful as he could possibly be about such an elusive subject, he wrote an afterword to his main argument, to which he added an epilogue, which in turn was followed by a concluding supplement. I hope that you are as scrupulous in wrapping up loose ends in the coming week, Sagittarius, especially when you're dealing with enigmas and riddles. As you seek resolution and completion, go well beyond the bare minimum.
Lost word of the day:
Phlyarologist: noun -one who talks nonsense
To help save the words visit and adopt-a-word.
Traditionally, the Seven Deadly Sins -- actions most likely to wound the soul -- are pride, lust, gluttony, anger, envy, sloth, and covetousness.
But the following are a formulation of actions that may also hurt your soul. They are called the Four Foolish Virtues. They are as follows: (1) being analytical to such extremes that you repress your intuition; (2) sacrificing your pleasure through a compulsive attachment to duty; (3) tolerating excessive stress because you assume it helps you accomplish more; (4) being so knowledgeable that you neglect to be curious.
Check out my early Birthday present! Isn't she a beauty?!?
I have made the following list of things I would like to do on my new bike:
1. learn how to ride it
2. go on more geocaching adventures
3. pedal down the street to Panda Express instead of drive
4. increase my amount of physical activity
5. lose some weighte:
So, on Thursday I began seeing a therapist. Hey, it can't hurt to try. While I was at my appointment I had to set some goals that I hoped to get out of it. So here they are:
1. Learn how to be more concerned about me, my needs, and what I want, rather than worrying so much about other people.
2. Learn how to trust myself and the decisions I make.
In other news. It is not only November, my birthday month, it is also the month of Brovember.
Brovember- The eleventh month of the year, formerly known as November.
Brovember is a month dedicated to guys doing "guy things" such as watching football, going fishing, climbing mountains, and grillin.
In honor of Brovember I offer you Bro Tip #1292:
If you feel like something's missing from your outfit, it's probably aviators.
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